Covid-19 tests

In this new health stage, it is essential to redouble care and efforts. Therefore, at the slightest symptom, or in case of having been in contact with a positive case of coronavirus, it is essential to go to the nearest device and carry out a test.

Coronavirus symptoms, such as fever (37.5 ° C or more), cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, lack of taste or smell, headache, diarrhea and / or vomiting: Go to a Febrile Emergency Unit. They operate from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., every day of the week. See map.

Contact with people at risk: Go to a Mobile Testing Unit. They operate from Monday to Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and home care caregivers, building managers, those who live with the elderly, staff of retirement centers and employees in proximity services can be tested preventively such as hairdressers, manicurists, gastronomy, pharmacies, etc.

Contact with a positive case without symptoms: Stay home for at least 7 days from the last contact to see if any symptoms appear. To take the test it is very important to wait 7 days because before it is possible that the virus is still not detectable. To be close contact, it is necessary to have spent more than 15 minutes less than two meters away and have shared a closed or poorly ventilated space with a positive case.

Where to get a test?

  • DetectAR centers without shift: They operate from 9 am to 3 pm every day of the week. See map.

  • Testing Center with previous shift: They work from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day of the week.
    ○ Costa Salguero (Vehicle): OBLIGADO RAFAEL, AV.COSTANERA 1221.
    ○ La Rural (Vehicular): SARMIENTO AV. 2704.
    ○ La Rural (Pedestrian): SANTA FE AV. 4201.
    ○ Villa Crespo - Pedestrian: CORRIENTES AV. 6094.
    ○ Chacabuco Park: PERON, EVA AV. and ACHAVAL.

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