Apocalipsync – Luciano Rosso

The multifaceted and renowned actor Luciano Rosso is the owner, without a doubt, of a talent that hypnotizes. Characterized by being the "king of playback" he currently lives in Paris. He will present this Wednesday, July 1 at 8:30 p.m. the APOCALIPSYNC show on the Movistar Arena YouTube channel.

Luciano Rosso presents his theater project reinvented in an online show for you to enjoy from your home.


APOCALIPSYNC_ was born as a theatrical show project. Starting from the global pandemic situation and waiting to be able to return to the stage format, we decided to reinvent the concept to take it to an online format. During the confinement we created this show in the living room of the house, with a circular light and a cell phone.

The audiovisual version of APOCALIPSYNC_ is a show in itself, but it is also a small sample of what the stage version will be the day we can reoccupy the theater rooms.

This work was carried out thanks to the contribution of the co-producers who supported the project from its beginning. Thanks from my heart!