"Hands on the job" – El Recoleta and the Theater Complex

Young Argentine: if you are between 13 and 17 years old and you like the world of theater, the "Hands on the play" call may interest you. The Buenos Aires Theater Complex and El Recoleta are convening ten meetings, which start in mid-July, to meet, get to know each other and get to work together in the staging of a classical play.

Of course, these are virtual encounters that may lead vocations and even discover them. The idea is that teens apply their imaginations to imagine other possible worlds, while going through this complex. That they express themselves freely, and inspire each other to approach the theater and its trades and knowledge in a practical way. With a team of professionals who will accompany you in the experience.

They will work in groups, guided by hosts or tutors who will accompany the creation process and the different stages of project implementation. Throughout ten weeks, each group will share remote weekly theoretical and practical meetings, through a digital platform. They will learn notions of scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, shoe stores and characterization of characters. After the last meeting, each group will have made a model of the projected space.

The call is already open here :