It is 56 years since Mafalda’s first appearance

Through time surely more than one felt identified with some thought of the remembered character of Quino that we all know as Mafalda. And it is that despite the fact that time passes, their stories, their sayings and their thinking are still valid in our society.

On a day like today, September 29, 1964, Primera Plana magazine included the first publication of this beloved character by the humorist Quino and revolutionized a whole generation with this little middle-class girl concerned about nature, society in general and with a absolute rejection of soup.

The remembered cartoon character little by little was gaining popularity. And it led to more figures having to be included and soon the strip managed to transcend borders, becoming known throughout Latin America. Its popularity also grew in European countries.

The cartoon walk , pays tribute to the most famous people of Argentine comic and can be visited every day for free, the character of Quino, Mafalda, is sitting on a bench. Between Defensa and Chile streets in the San Telmo neighborhood you can take a picture with her.