Jiro Steps


Jiro Steps is a carefully selected space that is located in the heart of Buenos Aires.
It focuses on giving you a unique experience, where you can see works of first-rate artists, giving a warm and full of energy to your space. Each day renew the invitation to know another world steps from the office, away from noise, obligations and stress.

A place where not only an exquisite lunch is tasted but also a place to loosen the tie, the mind and the body.
As for the flavors, there look for raids in options ranging from the best and varied salads to fresh sushi pieces carefully made at the time, and with premium quality.

Your menu lets you see a variety of presentations, whether classic, special rolls, makis, niguiris, sashimis, geishas, gunkan, temakis and combined. And as for their salads, stand out the dice of salmon with tomato, mézclum and capers or that of mézclum, mango, endives, avocado and octopus.