Online Theater: Days Counted

Next Saturday, May 16 at 8:30 p.m. through the La Plaza Online Platform, we can see Counted Days again . Since La Plaza Online brings together a selection of theatrical hits available for one time for free.

The play written and directed by Oscar Martínez tells the story of a theater author, Ana (Cecilia Roth) who, in front of the public, reflects on the events that disturb her: the relationship with her ex-husband, Agustín (Gustavo Garzón) and with her brother Psychiatrist (Alejandro Awada), with whom he must confront the hospitalization and the next death of his mother (Claudia Lapacó), to whom he always linked a conflictive relationship.

In her opening monologue, the protagonist quotes Shakespeare to contextualize what the viewer will see : "The whole world is a stage and in it we are all actors in a drama that we do not fully understand . " Dialogues for laughing or ironic moments frame a warm gaze on her life, her conflicts, her fears as she faces her various roles as mother, woman, daughter, sister and writer, and which will lead her to a rethink of what her life was and of what will inevitably be.

Counted Days will be available for 24 hours.