What to do in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a city full of attractions and it is so big that there are not enough days, weeks and visits to see......

museos se iluminan

Museums light up to ask for their reopening

More than fifty museums across the country will light their facades this Friday at 8 p.m. as the starting signal of the......

Enrique Avogadro

Enrique Avogadro: "Culture is a fundamental part of the City"

Enrique Avogadro is the Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires. In an interview via zoom he tells us all about......


Museums of the world to visit online

There are many actions carried out by different institutions of all kinds to make us more enjoyable confinement. Today......

Museums in Buenos Aires

¿Venís a Buenos Aires y querés conocer los mejores museos? En esta nota encontrarás un top 5 de los mejores museos......

Museo de los Niños

Located on the second floor of the Shopping Abasto, Corrientes 3247, the Children's Museum is a space with real-life......