Crespin Coffee

Villa Crespo

In a quiet corner of the neighborhood of Villa Crespo we find a modern place that offers a varied menu full of delicious options for breakfast, snack or dinner. Café Crespín is characterized by its excellent American patisserie, and its salads, sandwiches and quesadillas, such as cheddar and chicken with coriander that are accompanied by nachos, guacamole and sour cream.

The gravlax sandwich with salmon and cream cheese in poppy bagel and the delicious potato Latkes are also recommended. His brunch offers us the famous and exquisite french toasts with red fruits.
Of its pastry stand cupcakes, muffins and cinnamon rolls, without doubt the best in the city. We can also order ginger and apple pudding, carrot cake and other delicacies that can be accompanied by Lavazza coffee, peach ice tea, homemade lemonade or some milshake.

Café Crespín is the ideal place to eat light and rich. To go with friends to enjoy the afternoon or in a couple for a dinner descontracturada.