
Villa Devoto

On an attractive corner of the neighborhood of Villa Devoto, is located the adventure that Daimus proposes: a restaurant that is defined by offering unforgettable moments.

Its space offers excellent lighting: on Sundays at noon thanks to the natural light that enters through its windows at the front; and in the week at night, through artificial light evenly distributed through the dichroic roof.

In addition, it stands out for the comfort that ensures the distribution of its furniture, along with the great design and the disturbing bar arranged in the center of the room.

As for its flavors, Daimus proposes its version of the best Spanish cuisine, with options of tapas to snack (tortilla, fried corianitos, octopus Galician, among others); tables of cold meats and cheeses (loin embuchado, cantimpalo, gruyerito, among others); and dishes such as sole filet, seafood casserole, sea and mountain rice, marinated pork skewer; grilled loin with garnish; or broken eggs with squid.