The Factory of the Taco (Palermo)


The Taco Factory is a proposal that seeks to return the taco to where it belongs: to the neighborhood.

With one of its premises located in the neighborhood of Palermo, this space is a standard of Mexican popular culture through the taco, where an explosive and colored stimulus box is presented to taste the best of that country, but in Buenos Aires .

Unique and authentic taqueria, La Fábrica del Taco (LFDT) has an unpretentious atmosphere, a mix that goes from Tijuana to Chiapas, through the madness of Mexico City, the energy of Monterrey and the flavor of Jalisco.

All under an atmosphere of joy, good vibes and a lot of color.

It also presents Mexican chefs, a staff from several countries, and a decoration with works by artists who are part of the internal department of creativity, creating their own factory museum.

There you will find options such as grilled beef tacos; the chicken tacos; the taco vegetarian of peppers, carrot, zucchini, onion and garlic; or marinated pork, among others.