The Heritage of Juan (Av. Congreso)

Villa Urquiza

Villa Urquiza brings us closer to the possibility of an excellent neighborhood grill: La Herencia de Juan. Its atmosphere is descontracturado, with an atmosphere that yields the protagonism to the encounter with friends and a service that overflows in warmth. The best way to make room for the inheritance is to start with the special provoleta (morrón, tomate and bance). From there, the strong options can be the bife de chorizo butterfly of 600 grs., Or the loin of champignon with potatoes noisette. In La Herencia de Juan there is also a place for pasta and children's menus. The final sweet arrives from the hand of La Herencia: brownie in pieces, chocolate mousse, cream ice cream and strawberry sauce.
Reservations for executive menu must be made by telephone.