La Paila

An excellent option to meet and savor the cuisine of northern Argentina without leaving Palermo. Non-traditional dishes and atmosphere to feel the Argentine northwest with music and crafts that accompany the meals.

In the afternoon, mate is served with cupcakes and northern jams.

La Paila is a space of popular culture.

From Piedra Blanca, province of Catamarca, ORLANDO brought all its material and spiritual baggage: the smell of scallions on the massive preparation of mincemeat for empanadas every Sunday, and the oregano taste of a chicken casserole, together to his grandmother Teresa's paila who set her upbringing on fire ...

CRISTINA , in a Buenos Aires that always sets its sights beyond the ocean, is a tireless researcher of our traditions. In its continuous attempt to show the richness of our culture, it investigates recipes and popular manifestations from north to south of our territory, without borders or imposed limits.

Your PEOPLE , all those who accompany you in carrying out this project, share your sense of belonging to this space-time and choose day by day to resist from there.

Resist a hegemonic culture.
Resist an accelerated time.
Resist a fast food.