
In keeping with the dynamic and youthful spirit of the Palermo neighborhood, Rave awaits us in a striking environment.

A lot of color in its walls, good vibes, intimate tables and very good lighting.

The cuisine of the place offers very varied and elaborate dishes at the moment, from pasta stuffed with seafood (such as shrimp ravioli, ricotta and spinach), to grilled fish such as our pink salmon and trout or meat and poultry (such as the loin, matambre de cerdo and stuffed thigh).

In addition, there are vegetarian dishes such as mushroom risotto and wok vegetables.

The desserts of Rave are not left behind in prominence, based on European pastry such as tarte tartín, chocolate volcano and tiramisu.

Also noteworthy is the wine list for the best pairing and a cocktail bar as very tasty preparations.