Virtual and Pandemic Editors Fair

This new edition of the Editors Fair (FED) will take place virtually through its website on August 7, 8 and 9 from 1:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. 150 national publishers, 12 Latin American publishers will participate and more than 50 bookstores will be directly incorporated. Who will help during the buying process and who will make suggestions to the public.

In order to encourage reading among young people, Cultural Pass will offer the possibility of buying books online in all the bookstores that participate in the Fair. In addition, it will be accompanied by the dissemination of all the activities that will take place at the fair through the BA Cultura en Casa website.


Our You Tube channel became our main room, subscribe now and do not miss any of the talks that we thought for you.

Free delivery in CABA

Delivery to CABA will be free of charge, and will take place between August 12 and 21.

Don't miss the Editors Fair virtually!