Vernet corner


A bar of snacks.

This is how Esquina Vernet is defined, in the Boedo neighborhood.

The proposal is blunt and direct to the palate: author's bites with a variety of artisanal meats and abundant.

And not only that, but also offers the best company for these presentations: national and imported beers; handmade and thrown.

Within a typical bar atmosphere, Esquina Vernet stands out for its classic style façade and wooden furniture.

Of its bites, highlights: "May 1" (salame chacarero, longaniza calabresa pressed, bondiola and cantimpalo, cheese banquet, Creole and Sardinian, pickle vizcacha, black and green olives); "9 de julio" (smoked bacon, bondiola embuchada, salame holstein and leberwurst, brie cheese, brin'd amour with black pepper, roman and smoked tybo, black and green olives); or "November 20" (raw parma ham, spianatta, loin sausage and wild boar salami, feast cheese, roquefort, brin'd amour with ground chili, gouda, green olives with cheese and pickles).